We have a new publication titled "Arbiters of Truth and Existence" by Nathaniel Gan (University of Singapore)! The paper can be accessed at this link: https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/clanak/453426
Vol. 19, no 2, 2023 has been printed!
The latest printed issue of EuJAP 2023, vol. 19, no. 2, can be accessed here: https://eujap.uniri.hr/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/EuJAP-Vol.-19-No.2-2023.pdf
Web of Science acceptance letter
We are happy to inform our readers, authors, editors, and the rest that EuJAP has been selected for inclusion in the Web of Science! We were recently notified that articles published after 2021, beginning with volume 17, issue 1, will be included in WoS's Emerging...
Notification Regarding Article Accessibility – Update
Due to technical difficulties with the HRČAK portal, the address https://hrcak.srce.hr/, where all of EuJAP's articles are deposited and freely available online, is not available this morning. This means that articles published in the latest editions of EuJAP will...
New publication: Something Negative about Totality Facts
We have a new publication! This time we have a paper in good old analytic metaphysics: "Something Negative about Totality Facts" by Andrea Raimondi (Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India)
New Publication: Morality without categoricity
EuJAP has published another paper. This time we have a paper titled "Morality without Categoricity" by Dr. Elizabeth Ventham (University of Salzburg).
New publication in EuJAP: Why Parent Together?
In the paper “Why Parent Together?”, Marcus William Hunt presents a perspective on co-parenthood, elucidating the axiological significance of being a co-parent. The paper can be accessed here: https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/305598
New publication in EuJAP: Free Will as An Epistemically Innocent False Belief
In the paper “Free Will as An Epistemically Innocent False Belief”, Fabio Tollon argues that for some people false belief in free will can be epistemically innocent. The paper can be accessed here: https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/clanak/440532
New publication: “Are there ‘Moral’ Judgments?” by David Sackris and Rasmus Larsen Rosenberg
New publication in the EuJAP! In the paper "Are there 'Moral' Judgments?", David Sackris and Rasmus Larsen Rosenberg cast "doubt on the idea that moral judgments form or instantiate a unified type"! https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/301126
EuJAP Q1 on SCImago!
We are pleased to announce that EuJAP has been ranked in the Q1 category on SCImago for the year 2022! https://scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21101043444&tip=sid&exact=no