Volume 22, No. 1, 2026 Book symposium on Manuel Almagro’s The Rise of Polarization Affects, Politics, and Philosophy (Forthcoming)
Volume 21, No. 2, 2025 Book symposium on Justin Garson’s Madness: A Philosophical Exploration (Forthcoming)
Volume 15, No. 2, 2019 - Special issue: Free Will and Epistemology Guest editors: László Bernáth, Timothy O’Connor and András Szigeti
Volume 14, No. 1, 2018 - Special issue: Psychopathy: Philosophical and Empirical Challenges Guest editors: Marko Jurjako, Luca Malatesti and John McMillan
Volume 12, No. 2, 2016 - Special Issue: Putnam's Path Guest editors: Bojan Borstner and Smiljana Gartner
Volume 11, No. 2, 2015 - Monographic Issue: Logic Matters - East and West Guest editors: Nenad Smokrović and Berislav Žarnić
Volume 10, No. 2, 2014 - Monographic Issue: Nenad Miščević - Many Faces of a Philosopher Guest editors: Petar Bojanić and Snježana Prijić-Samaržija
Volume 9, No.1, 2013 - Monographic Issue: Symposium on Gerald Gaus' The Order of Public Reason Guest editors: Elvio Baccarini and Nenad Miščević
Volume 8, No.1, 2012 - Monographic Issue: Physics Philosophy and Bridging Two Gaps. In Honor of Michael Dummett Guest editors: Mauro Dorato and Angelo Cei
Volume 7, No. 2, 2011 - Monographic Issue: Imperatives, Performatives and Norms in Social Reality Guest editors: Anna Brozek, Jacek Jadacki, Rosja Mastop, and Berislav Žarnić
Volume 6, No.1, 2010 - Monographic Issue: Classification and Explanation in Psychiatry: Philosophical Issues Guest editors: Lisa Bortolotti and Luca Malatesti
Volume 5, No.2, 2009 – Monographic Issue: Challenges For Representational Theories Of Mind and Consciousness Guest editors: Tamás Demeter and János Tőzsér
Volume 4, No. 2, 2008 - Monographic Issue: Which Future For Philosophy? Discussing With Hilary Putnam Guest editor: Massimo Dell'Utri
Volume 3, No. 2, 2007 - Monographic Issue: Descriptions: Their Content, Uses, And Historical Significance Guest editor: Michael Liston
Volume 2, No.1, 2006 - Monographic Issue: Philosophy and Psychology of Emotions Guest editors: Katalin Farkas and Judit Szalai